Industry Blog

May 31st – What’s the Big Deal? Oracle

01st May 2024

In business, we’re all used to the clamor that comes at the end of a fiscal year. Within your company, you know the push and pull to get things done, money spent or costs cut to make the year-end numbers. The accounting department carefully crunches these numbers together so that the CFO can present them to the Board of Directors and shareholders and then collapse into exhaustion.

Oracle’s big sales push is on!

May 31st is the end of Oracle’s fiscal year, so its focus is on bringing in revenue that will make analysts and shareholders smile. So, what does this mean to you as a customer? Be ready! The push is to get you to purchase, renew or upgrade to a bigger or cloud software package. You may be led to believe that you’ll be paying more, but reducing your Oracle costs is possible.

When you work this time of year (January to March) correctly, it can have a positive result for you and your bottom line. Let’s put it in perspective from Oracle’s viewpoint. Their sales reps are making every effort to achieve their sales targets and qualify for a bonus, so they will be wheeling and dealing and offering discounts to close every deal possible. They are incentivized to beat their sales quotas to reap the rewards of a larger compensation or even the invitation to the exclusive President’s Circle sales trip. Who doesn’t want to go to the Grand Cayman Island or Hawaii? Take advantage of this sales frenzy and make a better deal that benefits your bottom line.

Prepare for Oracle’s sales push in 5 easy steps:

  1. Assess your current situation through an internal audit and determine if you are overspending with Oracle.
  2. Contact Remend for a complementary financial analysis that will use your entitlement data to analyze your current situation and create a plan for what to do next.
  3. Review Remend’s report with their expert staff to determine what can be done to reduce support fees or lead to an operational reduction.
  4. Let Remend guide your renewal and purchase process. As an independent advisory firm, we are here to guide you in how to align your Oracle purchase with your needs, not their end numbers. We won’t let you be bullied into purchasing or upgrading to something you don’t need.
  5. Take a deep breath. It’s time to enjoy the cost savings or reinvest them in other parts of your business for future growth.

Simply said, Remend is here to help you analyze what you are paying for and determine if the value of what you are getting is in sync. We will also help you discover what is missing or needed to make your business more efficient.

What can go wrong?

There is something else to keep in mind. Oracle is also using this same period to its advantage. Most audits are triggered in the last 6 months of their fiscal year. Oracle uses audits to find non-compliant software procedures to trigger fines or mandate upgrades to boost its revenue numbers. They will use this audit and threat of non-compliance as a thrust to get you to close a new deal. The sales team will be aggressive, so be prepared to respond, and have Remend at your side to help through the audit and contract negotiations.

Get moving!

You, yes, you need to get moving! The clock is ticking down to take advantage of this time of year when Oracle’s salespeople are rushing to achieve their sales targets. They are hungry and eager to get that bonus or incentive trip, so it’s time to make a deal and reap the savings. It may also be a time that Oracle is threatening you with an audit. Don’t stress! Call Remend and work with an advisor who cares about you and your business outcomes.

Remend is here to help!