SAM Tooling and Managed Services

Remend provides quality assurance for software asset management (SAM) tools and SAM managed services by advising on what the publishers care about.

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Easy-Button Software Asset Management Does Not Exist

SAM tool vendors such as Flexera, Snow and ServiceNow market their platforms as easy-button solutions for managing software assets. Meanwhile, tools vendors, managed service providers and customers mistake SAM reports as somehow endorsed by the publishers. Customers are put in the ironic position of enabling a major publisher’s financial leverage rather than abating it.

While software asset management (SAM) tools offer numerous benefits, implementing and maintaining them can present challenges for organizations. Remend ensures customers get the promised value from their SAM tool and managed services provider by advising on what publishers care about.

Remend Tools Assistance Delivers the Following Value

(Re)assess Tools Requirements

Spend less–perhaps zero–by replicating the publisher’s audit practices without an expensive SAM tool.

Rescue Failed Implementations

Turn around failed or underdelivering investments in a SAM tool.

Save Time & Money

Focus on what the publishers care about, not what the SAM tool or managed services provider assumes or forces.

Fill Tools Gaps

Supplement what SAM tools can’t discover with other collection sources.

Treat SAM Tools Like the Publishers Do

The publishers state that SAM tools do not supplant their audit rights; rather, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAP and other publishers view SAM tools as shortening the revenue cycle from audit to incremental orders. Meanwhile, tools implementations are complex, requiring deep insights into the company’s software landscape.

Remend Delivers Value by Executing the Following Steps

Assess whether a given publisher necessitates an investment in SAM tooling.

Analyze data captured by existing sources and supplement with scripting or free publisher-specific tools.

Finalize executive-level reporting to fulfill SAM initiatives.

Curate reporting and supportive data to meet the minimum requirements of a publisher’s audit terms.

In order to meet the demands of proper software asset management, organizations should review and adjust their approach to align with each publisher’s specific requirements. Remend can help customers ensure the right goals and expectations are set and then delivered, with or without an expensive SAM tool.