Licensing, Microsoft,

How much will Microsoft SQL Server 2014 ESU cost?

Short Answer

List price for Microsoft SQL Server ESU vary by edition, licensing programs, and volume levels from $2,700 for a 2-core Standard version up to $10,500 for a 2-core Enterprise Edition.

In-Depth Answer

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 ESU subscription costs will vary by edition, licensing programs, and volume levels, and are likely available as annual or monthly subscriptions. While Remend often annual 2-core SQL Server ESU subscription costs of $2,700 for Standard, and $10,700 for Enterprise, using monthly subscriptions can reduce costs if systems will be retirement plan is months instead of years.

An additional cost organizations might incur would be for licenses with Software Assurance (SA). Organizations using SQL Server 2014 licenses without SA must re-buy, which could be as much as $4,725 for Standard, $18,375 for Enterprise, 2-core licenses with up to 3 years of SA. Subscription options are available through Azure and certain volume license agreements, including the Server & Cloud Enrollment (SCE).

We caution entering into a new agreement for SA coverage or buying ESU without talking to experts to help you calculate optimized costs and approaches. Remend can help.

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