Microsoft Licensing Tune-Up

Know how your Microsoft environment needs to be licensed and identify optimizations before a Microsoft true-up, new purchase, contract renewal, or as part of audit readiness.

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Know Where You Stand

Microsoft licensing is complex, seems to change all the time, and comes in an array of confusing bundles. If you bought SQL Server licenses five years ago, but didn’t maintain Software Assurance (SA), it may (or may not) be licensed correctly for deployment in a virtual environment. Windows Server Standard licensing used to require mapping to hardware attributes, but their policy change in October 2022 can free up many licenses. Microsoft 365 subscriptions purchased in an Enterprise Agreement (EA) have different rights than those purchased through a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP).

Remend scrutinizes how licenses are applied to the environment to establish current- and optimized-state views that benefit you. Our aim is to help you be right-licensed without overspending based on your criteria, your desired state, and your future plans.

Remend Delivers the Associated Benefits Via the Following Activities

  1. Discover and document software installations within the environment
  2. Analyze and understand licensing entitlements and rights conferred via products or programs in place
  3. Deliver a licensing reconciliation that details the existing state to include optimization opportunities
  4. Spotlight non-supported software, discovery tool reach, and financial impact from findings

Remend Audits Your Software Usage as Microsoft Does

Remend uses reporting, software discovery, and inventory data to create a picture of the environment, then applies our expertise in licensing models, programs, and use rights to help you know what you really need.

Remend Licensing Tune-Ups Deliver the Following Value

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Product Compliance: Remediate issues with confidence whether fixing or buying

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Contract Compliance: Meet and game time-oriented contractual terms and conditions

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Risk Avoidance: Prevent financial surprises and budget emergencies

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Cost Reduction - Decrease license counts and navigate bundle/edition creep

Let Remend Help

It's time for value-based relationship with Microsoft.
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