Oracle Verified Tools Assistance

Remend provides quality assurance for your Oracle-verified software asset management (SAM) tool by analyzing usage as Oracle would using agent-based discovery data.

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Easy-Button Software Asset Management Does Not Exist

SAM tool vendors such as Flexera, Snow, and ServiceNow market their platforms as easy-button solutions to managing software assets. Meanwhile, tools vendors and customers alike mistake the Oracle Verified Third-party Tool Vendors program as a blind endorsement of a tool’s reconciliation report. Customers are put in the ironic position of enabling Oracle’s financial leverage rather than abating it.

Remend ensures customers get the promised value from their SAM tool by analyzing and reporting software usage as Oracle would using the discovery data from agents.

Remend Verified Tools Assistance Delivers the Following Value

(Re)assess Tool Requirement

Spend less—perhaps zero—by replicating Oracle’s audit practices without an expensive SAM tool altogether.

Rescue Failed Implementation

Turn around failed or underdelivering investments in a SAM tool.

Save Time & Money

Focus on what Oracle cares about, not what the SAM tool assumes or forces.

Fill Tool Gaps

Supplement what SAM tools don’t discover with other collection sources.

Treat SAM Tools Like Oracle Does

Oracle clearly states such tools do not supplant its audit rights; rather, Oracle views the SAM tools market as an opportunity to shorten the cycle from audit to license revenue. This is because SAM tools that participate in the program are required to execute and package Oracle’s audit scripts for Oracle to analyze for itself.

The fact is that most SAM tools can discover and manage Oracle licensing, specifically for databases and options.

Remend Delivers Value by Executing the Following Steps

Assess whether Oracle license compliance requires an investment in tooling.

Analyze the raw data captured by agents as Oracle would within a formal audit.

Supplement discovery with other sources of data, including Oracle’s native scripting.

Finalize executive-level reporting to fulfill SAM initiatives.

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Let Remend Help

Whether you have invested in a SAM tool, Remend can come alongside to assess original requirements or fulfill the original promise of a SAM program.